India's Resolute Defense Against Hacktivist Attacks on Government Websites

3 min read
India's Resolute Defense Against Hacktivist Attacks on Government Websites

The Indian government has responded proactively to the recent threat issued by the Indonesian cyber attack group, Hacktivist, in the form of a "red notice" targeting 12,000 Indian government websites. The Indian government has stated that all its websites have been diligently updated and are fully equipped to handle such threats. They have taken the necessary measures to ensure the security and integrity of their online assets, demonstrating their readiness and capability to protect against potential cyber attacks. The government's swift action and preparedness reflect their commitment to maintaining the security of their digital infrastructure.

Hacktivist groups often use cyberattacks as a form of protest or retaliation against perceived injustices or ideologies they oppose. They may deface websites, leak sensitive information, disrupt online services, or conduct other types of cyber activities to make their point.

These groups may operate under various ideologies, including political, social, or religious motivations. They may align with specific causes such as human rights, environmental issues, government corruption, or religious beliefs. Some hacktivist groups may also collaborate with other like-minded groups or individuals globally to amplify their impact.

Hackers with malicious intent often target government websites, employing various methods to disrupt their operations. Despite these attempts, government websites are regularly updated and fortified against such attacks. In fact, similar efforts were witnessed last year in Gujarat, where hackers sought to overwhelm multiple websites with high volumes of internet traffic, resulting in slowed access to online services and websites for users. Despite their nefarious efforts, government websites remain vigilant in their cybersecurity measures to protect against such disruptions and ensure seamless access to critical online services.

In line with this, the government has recently released the third version of Guidelines for India Government Websites (GIGW 3.0), providing comprehensive guidelines on how to develop, maintain, and manage government websites, portals, and mobile applications in a safe and secure manner.

One of the key recommendations in GIGW 3.0 is the encryption of passwords. Passwords are the first line of defence against unauthorised access, and encrypting them ensures that they are not easily readable or accessible by hackers. It is important for developers to use strong encryption techniques to safeguard user passwords and prevent any potential data breaches.

Keeping software and plugins up to date is another important aspect of website security. Outdated software and plugins can contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cyberattackers. Therefore, it is crucial for government websites to regularly update their software and plugins to the latest versions, which often include important security patches and fixes.

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