Indian Air Force Targeted in Sophisticated Cyber Attack with Su-30 Procurement Zip File

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Indian Air Force Targeted in Sophisticated Cyber Attack with Su-30 Procurement Zip File
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In a digital age where technology plays a crucial role in national security, the recent cyber espionage attack on the Indian Air Force has sent shockwaves through the defense community. The attackers, employing a variant of the notorious Go Stealer, have demonstrated a high level of sophistication in their tactics, leveraging recent defense procurement announcements as a guise to infiltrate the Indian Air Force's sensitive information.

The Deceptive ZIP File

SU-30 Aircraft Procurement The cyber threat unfolded through a series of meticulously orchestrated steps. The attackers utilized a cunningly named ZIP file, "SU-30_Aircraft_Procurement," taking advantage of the Indian Defense Ministry's approval of 12 Su-30 MKI fighter jets in September 2023. This deceptive file was distributed through an anonymous file storage platform called Oshi, hosted at "hxxps://," likely circulating through spam emails or other communication channels.

Infection Progression and Go Stealer Payload

The sequence of infection involved the progression from a ZIP file to an ISO file, followed by a .lnk file, ultimately leading to the deployment of the Go Stealer payload. This variant of Go Stealer, coded in the Go programming language, introduces advanced features, including an expanded scope for browser targeting and a novel method of data exfiltration through the widely used communication platform Slack.





Advanced Features of the Go Stealer Variant

Distinct from its GitHub counterpart, this Go Stealer variant showcases a heightened level of sophistication. It utilizes GoLang tools such as GoReSym for in-depth analysis, generating a log file in the victim's system upon execution. The malware specifically targets login credentials and cookies from internet browsers, focusing on Google Chrome, Edge, and Brave.

What sets this variant apart is its heightened level of sophistication. The cyber adversaries behind its deployment have fine-tuned its capabilities, making it more potent and resilient to detection. The incorporation of GoLang tools such as GoReSym for in-depth analysis showcases the meticulous design and strategic approach employed by the threat actors.

Go Stealer: A Closer Look at its Malicious History

The Go Stealer, at the heart of the recent cyber espionage targeting the Indian Air Force, is not a newcomer to the world of malicious software. This insidious malware has a history marked by clandestine operations, evolving tactics, and notable previous malicious uses.

Originally surfacing in the form of an open-source project on GitHub, the Go Stealer gained notoriety for its ability to discreetly extract sensitive information from unsuspecting users. Coded in the Go programming language, its stealthy nature and efficiency quickly caught the attention of cyber adversaries seeking a sophisticated tool for covert data exfiltration.

The Go Stealer boasts a range of advanced features that set it apart from conventional information stealers. From its inception, it demonstrated a keen focus on browser targeting, aiming to harvest login credentials and cookies from specific browsers such as Google Chrome, Edge, and Brave.

Instances of the Go Stealer being utilized in previous malicious campaigns have been documented. Its adaptability and efficiency make it an attractive choice for threat actors looking to compromise a wide range of targets.

The GitHub repository, where the original version of Go Stealer resides, served as a breeding ground for the malware's evolution. While the basic framework is openly available, threat actors have taken it upon themselves to enhance and modify the code to suit their nefarious objectives.

The identified Go Stealer variant responsible for the recent Indian Air Force cyber espionage goes beyond its GitHub origins. It introduces enhancements that elevate its threat level, including an expanded scope for browser targeting and a novel method of data exfiltration through the widely used communication platform, Slack.

Data Exfiltration and Covert Communications

What sets this variant apart is its strategic use of the Slack API for covert communications. The choice of Slack aligns with its widespread use in enterprise networks, allowing malicious activities to seamlessly blend with regular business traffic. The function "main_Vulpx" is explicitly designed for uploading stolen data to the attacker's Slack channel, enabling discreet communication and data pilfering.

The Timing and Strategic Focus

The timing of the cyberattack, coinciding with the Indian Government's announcement of Su-30 MKI fighter jets procurement, raises concerns about targeted attacks or espionage activities. The strategic focus on selectively harvesting login credentials and cookies from browsers underscores the threat actor's intent to acquire precise and sensitive information from Indian Air Force professionals.

Exercising Caution: Guarding Against Potential Cyber Espionage

  1. Vigilance Against Deceptive Tactics:
  • Recent incidents underscore the need to stay vigilant against seemingly innocuous files concealing malicious intent.
  • The Su-30 Procurement ZIP file serves as a glaring example of how such files can be part of more extensive cyber espionage efforts.
  1. Potential Wider Impact:
  • Cyber adversaries often orchestrate attacks to target not only individuals but also government employees and multiple users.
  • Compromised files can pave the way for broader network infiltrations, escalating the risk of a significant cyber threat.
  1. Critical Role in National Security:
  • Acknowledge the pivotal role individuals play in the context of national security in the digital age.
  • Coordinated attacks have the potential to compromise sensitive information and undermine critical systems.
  1. Adopt Stringent Download Policies:
  • Enforce a stringent policy of downloading files exclusively from trusted and verified sources.
  • Exercise skepticism, especially when encountering unexpected files, and validate the legitimacy of the sender before opening any attachments.
  1. Government Employee Awareness:
  • Recognize that government employees, with access to sensitive information, are high-priority targets.
  • Empower individuals through comprehensive cybersecurity training programs, fostering heightened awareness and resilience.


As technology continues to evolve, so do the tactics of cyber adversaries. The recent cyber espionage attack on the Indian Air Force serves as a stark reminder of the need for heightened cybersecurity measures in defense establishments. The sophisticated nature of the Go Stealer variant and its strategic focus on acquiring sensitive information highlight the importance of continuous vigilance and adaptive cybersecurity strategies in safeguarding national security.

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