Discord Data Breach : Support Agent Hack Exposes Millions

3 min read
Discord Data Breach : Support Agent Hack Exposes Millions

Discord, the widely-used chat and voice application, made a concerning announcement. They disclosed a data breach that occurred when a third-party support agent's account was compromised. As a result, some users' personal information, including email addresses, usernames, and hashed passwords, was exposed. In this article, we will delve deeper into the breach, discuss its impact on users, and provide steps users can take to protect themselves.

Discord revealed that the breach happened after a support agent's account was hacked through a phishing scheme. This allowed the attacker to gain access to the agent's account and retrieve personal information belonging to certain users. Discord took immediate action by revoking the attacker's access and launching an investigation into the incident.

While the exact number of affected users remains undisclosed, Discord assures users that only a small percentage of its user base has been impacted. It's important to note that the breach specifically affects users who contacted the support team during specific dates and does not affect all Discord users.

The information exposed in the breach includes users' email addresses, usernames, and hashed passwords. Discord emphasizes that payment information and other sensitive data were not compromised.

Discord is actively communicating with affected users through an "incident notice," acknowledging the breach and the compromise of the third-party support agent's account. The breach potentially exposed users' email addresses, Discord support chat logs, and any attachments accompanying them. Discord took swift action by disabling the compromised account.


Discord has assured its users that the risk of the data breach is low, but it's always better to err on the side of caution. They recommend that affected users keep their eyes peeled for any suspicious activity, such as potential scams or phishing attempts. By staying informed and taking quick action, we can help keep our accounts secure and avoid any potential negative consequences.

To protect themselves, Discord strongly advises all users to reset their passwords immediately. If you contacted the support team within the specified timeframe, assume that your email address, username, and password hash have been exposed. Here are steps you can take:

  1. Reset your password using a strong and unique combination that you do not use for other online accounts.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your Discord account to add an extra layer of security.
  3. Monitor your account for any suspicious activity, such as unauthorized login attempts or unusual messages, and report them to Discord.

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